Through maps, timelines and artworks, learn about The Buddha and the spread of Buddhism through history. Improve your understanding of the Dharma (the message of the Buddha) using interactive features such as Q&A cards, quizzes and daily words of wisdom.
New in 2016 is the beautiful Bodhi Tree feature. The designers of this feature were inspired by the story of Prince Siddhartha who attained enlightenment while sitting under a Bodhi Tree. BBEP hopes to share the message of The Buddha each day using this symbol of wisdom and liberation.
To play, grow your very own Bodhi Tree. Each day a new leaf will be added. Tap on the leaf to read your message of the day.
Enjoy, cultivate and grow.
Download BBEP 3.0 App on iTunes and Google Play
Written by: Priscilla Wong
Dated: March 2016